eBook - Metal Fatigue in Engineering Based on Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Analysis of FEM Results for Fatigue Estimations Made Easy

Book Metal Fatiuge in Engineering with FEA - made easy

This book delivers an efficient entry into metal fatigue analysis in engineering of metal components. It especially focusses on the evaluation of finite element analysis (FEA). Therefore you will learn how to interpret a FEA, how to define a state-of the art finite element mesh and you will understand the backgrounds of modern guidelines like the FKM guideline.

As Member you can read the book online and everywhere. This book gives answers to the most important questions like:

  • Why is the FEA mesh important?
  • What element types do I use?
  • Is the mesh quality sufficient for the evaluation of stresses or stress gradients?
  • Which material data are required?
  • Where to pay attention to during load assumption and evaluation of FEA results?
  • How to calculate a component S-N curve for an FEA?


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